A Bridge to Independence

Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Waiver

Enrolling in Medicaid Waiver programs can feel overwhelming, but Bridge is here to guide you through the process, so please contact us with any questions.

How to enroll in the Intellectual and Developmental Disability Waiver in Pennsylvania:

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) supervises intellectual and developmental disability services in Pennsylvania. The County MH/ID Programs determine eligibility for intellectual disability services on behalf of ODP.

Eligibility requires a diagnosis of intellectual disability based on objective standardized testing, and must occur during the developmental period. A person’s general intelligence and ability to function must be significantly below average.

To learn more, contact ODP’s customer line at 1-888-565-9435 or your local County MH/ID Program Office. To register for support or services, call the County Office of Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities for an appointment.

To register for supports or services, you will need to set up an appointment and bring documents that establish your eligibility for intellectual disability services, such as medical, psychological, and school records. The County Office of Intellectual Disabilities will evaluate your documents and determine if you are eligible for services.

If you are found eligible, you will receive supports coordination, which includes a choice of any available Supports Coordinators. You should be able to meet with them before making your choice, but if you prefer not to choose, the county can assign one to you.

The Supports Coordinator (SC) will assist in coordinating your needed services and can educate you and your family about resources available within the community. The Supports Coordination may also help enroll you in additional services. You will have regular meetings with the SC, and they will monitor your supports and services, advocating for you and your family as needed.

For further inquiries contact the The Regional Program Managers:

The Office of Developmental Programs telephone number is 717-787-3700, and the toll-free telephone number is 1-888-565-9435. If you’re hearing impaired, call the toll-free telephone number for Hearing Impaired at 1-866-388-1114.